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Mar 5, 2009

Watchmen's Story Plot - Year 2009 Main Frame Movie

This Movie plot is not really familiar to the audience from outside of the United State boundary. Thus, this Watchmen Sickness Syndrome cannot be spread effectively through out the world. It is better if I take the step to introduce this popular, an award winning-to-be film to the people from outside of the United State.

There will be no central figure for this movie. There will be bunch of superheroes will be featured through out this movie. The plot wasn't myriad to any other superhero's movie that we used to watch before. It is totally different from it own kind. Adapted from a book written by Dave Gibbson, this movie was the main frame of this year 2009.

The story is set in a 1985 where Nixon is a third-term president, America has won the Vietnam War and the course of history has otherwise been changed by two generations of vigilante "costumed adventurers," including one - Dr. Manhattan - who has superpowers and is a key element of the U.S. defense strategy.

But the Cold War is still raging, the current stable of masked heroes has been outlawed by Congress and, as the film opens, the Comedian - a right-wing super-thug who helped assassinate Kennedy and suppressed the Watergate scandal - has been flung to his death from his Manhattan apartment.

Rorschach, a sociopathic do-gooder who wears a mask that looks like a constantly shifting inkblot, investigates and gradually comes to believe that some mysterious conspiracy is afoot to kill off the rest of the retired Watchmen - himself, Nite Owl, Silk Spectre and Ozymandias - and neutralize Dr. Manhattan.

As Rorschach's investigation continues and several of the Watchmen come out of hiding to help him, the attempts on their lives escalate, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan pushes the world to the brink of nuclear war and all the story strains eventually come together in a shattering - but unexpected - apocalyptic climax.

This is the spine of what is generally regarded to be the greatest of all graphic novels (Time magazine named it "one of the 100 best English-language novels") and a "Moby Dick" of a story that has frustrated three studios and a whole field of filmmakers who have tried to bring it to the screen over the past 20 years.

Mar 4, 2009

Jonas Brothers Being Desperate?!!

This post is as a respond to the post by Post entitled:

"Jonas Brothers Topless In 3D Movie: All 12-Year-Old Girls Have Just Exploded"

The Jonas Brothers being so desperate to promote their Movie after The Jonas Brothers Concert 3D had been outperformed by "Madea" last week. They used any methods to attract people to watch this ridiculous movie including being topless in front of the camera.

The truth about this unrealistic movie is, they never learn that people went to the concert to have the concert beat, the "LETS HAVE PARTY" feeling. We cannot get that in a theater, am I right?

being topless is not workin', how about being naked? Wee....


Sorry's post will be in Malay Language (A Special Post).

Industri Perfileman Malaysia, Ke Mana Arah Tuju?

Saya telah lama memerhatikan Industri Perfileman Tanah Air, Malaysia ku yang tercinta. Industri Perfileman Negara tidak harus dipandang ringan oleh semua pihak, kerana industri ini sahaja yang mampu menjadi jambatan penghubung negara kita dengan negara luar. Lihat sahaja Negara Amerika Syarikat yang menggunakan industri perfileman negaranya sebagai saluran untuk menyampaikan agenda negara, melebarkan sayap pengaruh psikologinya secara sedar atau tidak sedar, langsung atau tidak langsung. Dalam diam, kita secara tidak sedar menerima peradaban negara mereka lebih berbanding negara kita sendiri. Jika digunapakai strategi seumpama ini, maka negara kita juga mampu melakukan hal yang sama. Melebarkan sayap Malaysia ke pengaruh antarabangsa.

Namun, tidak banyak filem hasilan negara kita yang layak diberikan kredit dari segi mutu penghasilan, kualiti lakonan dan sebagainya. Sepanjang beberapa tahun, cuma terdapat 2, 3 filem sahaja yang saya rasa layak untuk diberikan anugerah. Iaitu Filem Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam dan Sepet. Namun sepet perlu dilakukan lebih banyak penghalusan. Kurangkan kepura-puraan dalam lakonan. Ya! Masalah utama pelakon negara kita, Pelakon tidak dapat menjiwai watak sepenuhnya. Maka, tampaklah kepura-puraan dalam lakonan. Penonton semakin dewasa, tahu berfikir, satu pembaziran wang jika melihat filem-filem seumpama ini, dengan pelakon-pelakon seumpama ini di panggung-panggung wayang.

Banyak lagi filem hasilan negara kita cuma sebagai mainan penerbit, cuma sebagai wadah mengaut untung. Lakonan Era Fazira, Yusri, Apek dan pelbagai lagi nama-nama pelakon tanah air yang berlakon dalam pelbagai filem tempatan cuma berlakon separuh hati dan lakonan mereka tidak sampai ke hati penonton. Berlakon cuma atas dasar bayaran. Janagn panggil diri anak seni jika mata masih kelabu...perjuangkan filem kita seperti mana tokoh-tokoh filem terdahulu. Menanam jiwa di dalam lakonan. Bila dapat utamakan ini terlebih dahulu, maka hal tentang wang tidak akan menjadi masalah. Apa yang penting, minat terhadap apa yang sedang dikerjakan.

Filem Cicak Man sebagai contoh, Apek terpilih sebagai watak utama kerana pada ketika itu, Apek merupakan salah seorang pelakon yang sedang mendapat nama, namun jelas Apek tidak sesuai untuk watak tersebut. Bukan tidak sesuai atas dasar kapasiti bakat Apek, namun kategori Apek sebagai pelakon pelawak menyebabkannya tidak sesuai memegang watak terbabit. Maka kelihatanlah filem badut yang meminta simpati penonton untuk ketawa. Benar apa yang saya katakan...Cuba renungkan sebelum anda meningkah...Penerbit, Pengarah atau pihak terlibat harus bijak membuat pemilihan pelakon. Bukan cuma atas dasar "pelakon sedang top".

Demikian juga ketika zaman Erra Fazira, beliau akan kelihatan dalam beberapa buah filem dalam masa setahun, di mana kualiti lakonannya? Ke laut? Jika kita lihat filem-filem barat, mereka merancang membangunkan sesebuah filem 3 atau 4 tahun lebih awal. persediaannya sahaja laksana pelaksanaan projek mega kontraktor. Pelakonnya terikat dengan filem yang satu, berusaha untuk mendalami watak. Tidak hairanlah kualitinya tampak berbeza. Saya percaya, masih ramai yang berbakat diluar sana...Bakat nyanyian acapkali kita cungkil, mengapa tidak dengan bakat lakonan. Kami muak dengan pelakon yang sama...timbulkan variasi.

Saya lebih gemar untuk melihat pelakon-pelakon veteran tanah air, seperti Khatijah Tan, Fauziah Nawi dan beberapa nama lagi; mutu lakonan dan variasi dalam lakonan jelas kelihatan dari satu filem ke filem yang lain. Mereka inilah yang layak diberikan anugerah Pelakon Terbaik dalam FFM atau anugerah-anugerah yang lain.

Pelakon-pelakon Malaysia yang lain cuma mendapat nama melalui kontroversi. Melenting apabila diberikan komentar membina (mungkin anda akan melihat lentingan mereka selepas membaca paparan blog ini).

Antara isu lain di dalam penghasilan Filem Malaysia yang berkualiti adalah penentuan plot ceritanya. Malaysia masih kekurangan bakat penulisan layar cerita. Lihat saja filem lakonan Rita Rudaini, Mendam Berahi...plot cerita yang amat memalukan dengan tag line pemasaran "Filem Terhebat...". Maaf saya dahului, tapi ini suatu realiti yang boleh kita renung bersama untuk lebih maju kehadapan. Tidak dapat menghasilkan plot cerita yang baik bukan satu alasan untuk tidak menghasilkan filem yang baik, penulis-penulis Malaysia yang amat berbakat masih ada seperti A.Samad Said. Mengapa tidak digunakan saja karangan beliau seperti Salina dalam menghasilkan filem-filem bermutu dengan layar cerita yang terpandu, cuma memerlukan sedikit olahan. Nyata, kebanyakan filem yang dihasilkan tika ini merupakan filem-filem hasil garapan daripada penulis-penulis novel terkemuka. Mengapa tidak kita contohi? Kita juga punya tokoh karyawan yang hebat...hebat berbanding yang lain pada pandangan saya. Menghasilkan filem yang baik bukan cuma perlu menggunakan teknologi yang canggih seperti CGI dan pelbagai contoh yang baik. Filem berkenaan masyarakat sekitar, dunia realiti sudah cukup memadai...apa yang penting, emosi daripada filem terbabit dapat dirasai oleh penonton...seperti Paloh, kesanan emosi yang cukup baik. Rosyam Nor mampu menjiwai watak dengan seeloknya. Namun agak berat bagi tontonan semua.

Terdapat juga isu Penerbit Malaysia kurang dapat menghasilkan Filem-filem berbajet tinggi kerana khuatir ketiadaan sambutan penonton jika pun diterbitkan. Pulangan tidak dapat diperolehi. Takut akan kerugian :..."saya puji Filem Puteri Gunung Ledang. Demi untuk memartabatkan filem dengan acuan Malaysia, belanja bukan menjadi ukuran. Cuma garapan terakhir ketika titik pertarungan M.Nasir mejadi kesilapan dalam filem ini. Daripada keadaan yang realistik menjadi pertarungan keanak-anakan. "- Ini masalahnya, sebab kita cuma berfikir pasaran filem kita cuma dalam negara, tidak terfikir untuk memasarkannya diluar negara. Jika sekali terfikir untuk menjangkaui lebih daripada pasaran sedia ada, maka hasilnya akan lebih mantap...kita akan berusaha untuk meghasilkan filem yang bukan cuma mendapat sambutan menggalakkan di dalam negara, walhal di luar negara sekali pun. Memenuhi setiap sensitiviti yang dikehendaki penonton.

Terdapat pelbagai lagi permasalahan dalam pemasaran yang dapat diselesaikan. Di Amerika contohnya dan beberapa negara barat yang lain termasuk Bollywood, rakyatnya tidak semestinya berada di panggung-panggung wayang untuk melihat filem-filem terbaru, terdapat pelbagai perkhidmatan yang menawarkan penayangan filem-filem baru ke komputer atau ke kaca television pada tarikh sama filem dilancarkan dipanggung melalui perkhidmatan yang dikenali sebagai Movie On Demand; dengan harga yang cukup rendah, cuma US$1.99 selama seminggu penayangan. Kita mempunyai Astro dan TmNet yang mampu membantu menjayakan teknik pemasaran seumpama ini. Maka gunakan...permudahkan penonton untuk melanggan. perbanyakkan cabang dan agen. Ini secara langsung menutup peluang Mat Cetak Rompak, kadar permintaan berkurangan kerana berjaya dipenuhi, maka bekalan dipasaran kurang mendapat sambutan.

Banyak lagi program-program lain TV yang disiarkan di television cuma duplikasi daripada rancangan-rancangan luar negara yang lain. Di mana kreativiti penerbit-penerbit kita? mengapa cuma mengikut? Aznil patut diberikan pujian kerana melahirkan program TV dengan Identiti sendiri. Jika diberikan peluang, mungkin Aznil mampu menghasilkan filem yang baik.

Negara kita seharusnya telah mempunyai akademi lakonan yang memberi latihan lakonan seiring dengan kurikulum sekolah-sekolah Malaysia, yang dihadiri oleh pelbagai lapisan masyarakat yang berminat terhadap bidang lakonan. Kita telah punya akademi sukan, akademi tarian dan pelbagai lagi akademi yang lain, mengapa tidak Akademi Lakonan peringkat negara diwujudkan? Melalui akademi ini diharapkan dapatlah negara kita menghasilkan bakat-bakat lakonan yang bermutu, meliputi pelbagai bangsa dan lapisan umur. Dengan ini peluang dalam bidang lakonan terbuka kepada semua lapisan masyarakat untuk mendapat peluang menjadi pelakon. Selain daripada itu, ia juga menyediakan kolam bekalan pelakon kepada Industri Perfileman Negara.

Melalui komentar-komentar yang diberikan adalah diharapkan Industri Perfileman Negara Maju 5 tapak kehadapan. Saya memohon maaf jika komentar yang diberikan agak menyentuh sentimen peribadi, namun ia merupakan contoh-contoh relevan yang terbaik untuk kita renungkan. Saya sentiasa berharap; mungkin bukan saya cuma, namun seluruh rakyat Malaysia- untuk melihat industri filem kita mencipta nama di persada antarabangsa. Sekian

Mar 3, 2009

Jonas Brothers The Movie 3D OUTPERFORM by Madea?!

This is the shocking news: Jonas Brothers The Movie Outperform By Madea.

When it comes to curing the economic blues, laughter still is the best medicine.

Moviegoers this weekend took a break from the drumbeat of layoffs and bankruptcies, heading to theaters to watch comedies such as Tyler Perry's "Madea Goes to Jail," the top-grossing film for the second week in a row.

"In down times like this, people want to be entertained, and they want to laugh," said Steve Rothenberg, president of domestic distribution at Lionsgate, the studio that released "Madea." "It's no surprise that the only two films this year that have repeated their No. 1 rank in the weekly charts have been comedies." That is the true secret that lies behind this "Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail" movie.

"Madea" garnered estimated receipts of $16.5 million over the weekend, bringing its two-week total to $64.9 million, according to box-office tracker Media by Numbers.

The other film that maintained its No. 1 rank in sales for more than a week this year was "Paul Blart: Mall Cop." The lighthearted comedy from Sony/Columbia landed in the No. 6 spot with an estimated $5.6 million. The weekend brought its box-office total to $128.1 million over seven weeks.

Other funny flicks to hit the top-10 chart include "He's Just Not That Into You," a comedy of romantic errors from Warner Bros. that took in $5.9 million this weekend for the fifth spot, and "Confessions of a Shopaholic," from Walt Disney Studios, which was ninth with $4.5 million. "Fired Up," a spoof about two high school football players who crash a cheerleading camp, rounded out the comedy list at No. 10 overall with $3.8 million.

The top 6 movies at U.S. and Canadian theaters Friday through Sunday, followed by distribution studio, gross, number of theater locations, average receipts per location, total gross and number of weeks in release, as compiled Monday by Media By Numbers LLC:

1. "Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail," Lionsgate, $16,175,926, 2,052 locations, $7,883 average, $64,525,548, two weeks.

2. "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience," Disney, $12,510,374, 1,271 locations, $9,843 average, $12,510,374, one week.

3. "Slumdog Millionaire," Fox Searchlight, $12,026,343, 2,943 locations, $4,086 average, $115,024,121, 16 weeks.

4. "Taken," Fox, $9,864,197, 3,091 locations, $3,191 average, $107,796,273, five weeks.

5. "He's Just Not That Into You," Warner Bros., $6,011,405, 2,858 locations, $2,103 average, $78,661,321, four weeks.

6. "Paul Blart: Mall Cop," Sony/Columbia, $5,602,392, 2,698 locations, $2,076 average, $128,107,912, seven weeks.

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I just watched Street Fighter. I'm not gonna give credit to this movie, to the director especially. Hey! We are fan of the Street Fighter. We grew up along this Capcom's Game.

I'm waiting for the thrills in this movie from the start till the end; but i can't feel any of it. Kristen Kreuk did her job well. She's really committed to her acting career. Go Girl! But what makes this film down to its middle sucks category were the supporting actors/actresses. I'm not gonna make some statement in particular. You better judge it by your self.

The screen player; they are not into the detail. Few of it just on the surface. Its really hard to detect the character from the virtual game. Where's Buldrog, where's Vega and Where's Bison? All the special identity for the characters had been removed. Chun Li even didn't wear her killing-sexy costume. I'm dying waiting for that. LOL...

Overall...this film really makes me enjoy my holiday. Just a bit frustrated...You better watch!! Heh!

Feb 28, 2009

Lifetime America: Original TV Movie That Full With Heart

I just read some reviews on Slumdog from a simple magazine dated few days ago. They said that this movie originally adapted from a book written by an Indian guy about the terrible life in India. And I came to think that all good movie recently original screen play were always adapted from a book. There's Twilight came from a book, there's Watchmen as well adapted from an animated book. I check for my Google Hot Trend today and this title really catch my eyes; Lifetime Networks will premier original made-for-TV movie that was shoot in Metro Detroit tonight at 9.

Hey! This one is also from a book written by E.R. Frank. This story is so much full with heart in it. This is good. Sometime it is hard to educate people from a formal way or from advices given, but people do enjoy learning from a way that they feel simple. Such this kind of movie, it really teach us on how to think better for our own-self and others. On how to live peacefully and respect for others. So that world can become more better.

So this is all about The America: Movie That Full With Heart America tells the story of Dr. Maureen Brennan (Rosie O’Donnell), a psychiatrist at a youth treatment center, encounters her newest patient, a 16-year-old biracial boy named America. Through their sessions, Dr. Brennan helps America come to terms with his roller-coaster life, which began when he was taken by authorities from his crack-addicted mother and placed into foster care as an infant. In this emotional story, Dr. Brennan works to help him open up about his painful past and discover the support and courage he needs to get his life back on track.

Feb 26, 2009

Full Version of 'Gossip Girl' OMG Promo

In anticipation of the return of 'Gossip Girl' in March, the conflicts and the excitement of the show are compiled in a new promo.

After three short promos were released for "" return earlier this week, The CW have now dropped the full version, showing the kiss between Blair and Chuck, the slap from Serena and more. The show will be back on March 16 with "The Age of Dissonance".

Chuck is having trouble dealing with the mystery of the person his father was and how he spent his spare time. Meanwhile, Nate catches Vanessa flirting with another guy, and in a moment of desperation, reluctantly turns to Blair for help which turns out not as he expected.

Dan purposely ignores Serena's calls and tells Miss Carr that things are beyond a little complicated between the two of them right now. Miss Carr chooses not to take her job back and spends most of her time in an empty apartment with her new fling, who doesn't seem to be quite grieving from his recent break-up from Serena.

At the same time, Lily and Rufus question where their relationship is going and talk very casually about merging their households, Chuck however, is strongly against the idea, and does everything in his power to stop it.

source :

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Jordin Sparks joins the Jonas Brothers

Jordin Sparks joins the Jonas Brothers, in photo by AP’s Dan Steinberg, and Demi Lovato at the celebrity lineup at the Walt Disney premiere of “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience” at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood.

It must be celebrity week in Washington, George Clooney was there Monday talking about Darfur, and the parade continued Tuesday with appearances by and Sheryl Crow at a Capitol Hill news conference by recording artists about performance rights on radio.

Singers Usher Raymond IV and James Harris spoke today at a House Education and Labor Commitee hearing on improving America’s commitment to service and volunteerism.

Singer/songwriter James Taylor and actor Kevin Bacon attends the 5th annual Musicians on Call benefit concert and auction at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York.

Also in New York, writer Maya Angelou and actor Harry Belafonte attend the memorial celebration for Odetta.

Shocker: Harry Knowles Loved Watchmen

Even though American reviewers who caught an early screening of Watchmen had agreed not to write about it until next week, virtually every geek-oriented publication has gone ahead and posted an early review anyway. Most notably, Ain't It Cool News' Harry Knowles published his rave review last night, even after briefly casting himself as something of a martyr for honoring the embargo when his colleagues at CHUD and Empire showed virtually no restraint. (Actually, according to CHUD's Russ Fischer, their review was cleared with Warner Bros. and not in violation of the embargo.) Of course, it's easy to understand why Knowles had to rush to press — we were all just dying to know what he'd think of the adaptation, given that there was such a huge possibility that he would not like it.

Harry Watches The WATCHMEN And Can Remain Silent Not One More Second! [Ain't It Cool News]

Movie & Film Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory - The internets fastest growing blog directory

Sorry Guys..

Sorry to all of my Blog's Viewers, I haven't add any new trailer yet due to some technical problem. I just finished my exam yesterday and currently in the progress of uploading all the FLV into my youtube channel. Lol...but please check out my blog later. New trailers will be updated and wallpapers and posters and tips for free ticket guide...Yeah! 'Rite...that is sure!


Fox Searchlight Pictures President Peter Rice and Warner Bros. Pictures Group President Jeff Robinov announced today that the companies have joined forces on the North American release of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. Fox Searchlight Pictures will handle marketing and distribution of the film. Directed by Danny Boyle and written by Simon Beaufoy, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIREJustify Full stars Dev Patel, Madhur Mittal, Freida Pinto, Anil Kapoor and Irrfan Khan. The film is based on the best selling novel Q&A by Vikas Swarup. The film is scheduled to be released on November 28, 2008 and will have its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival.

“The film is tour de force of filmmaking that hits you both viscerally and emotionally at every twist and turn. Everyone here was just astonished by the movie and immediately knew we had to be involved with it,” said Rice. “Searchlight is pleased to able to work with Warner Bros. on such a unique and extraordinary film.” “With the recent additions to our slate, it became impossible for us to release SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE in this calendar year,” said Robinov. “We’re very proud of Danny and the movie, and we are pleased to partner with Fox Searchlight to release the film on November 28, 2008.”

Added Boyle, “I am grateful to Warner for their careful handling of the film. I had a great time making this movie and I look forward to working with my old friends at Searchlight to ensure that audiences at Toronto and beyond have a great time watching it.”
“It is a credit to both Searchlight and Warner that Danny's exceptional film will now get the life it deserves. Our thanks go to Peter Rice and Jeff Robinov for making this happen,” added Colson.

SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE is the story of Jamal Malik, an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering 20 million rupees on India’s “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”

But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much? Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show’s questions.

Intrigued by Jamal’s story, the jaded Police Inspector begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for riches is really doing on this game show?

When the new day dawns and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and sixty million viewers are about to find out…

The deal was negotiated on Fox Searchlight’s side by Vice President of Business Affairs Megan O’Brien and Executive Vice President of Worldwide Acquisitions Tony Safford. The deal was negotiated on Warner Bros. Pictures’ side by Jun Oh, Senior Vice President of Business Affairs. The project was initiated at Film4 who co-developed and co-financed the film with UK production company Celador Films. The film is produced by Celador's Christian Colson. Film4 chief Tessa Ross and Celador Films Chairman Paul Smith act as executive producers.

Fox Searchlight Pictures is a specialty film company that both finances and acquires motion pictures. It has its own marketing and distribution operations, and its films are distributed internationally by Twentieth Century Fox. Fox Searchlight Pictures is a unit of Fox Filmed Entertainment, a unit of Fox Entertainment Group.

Warner Bros. Pictures is one of the most successful motion picture studios in the world and has been entertaining global audiences for over 85 years with high-quality, innovative, acclaimed motion pictures. Warner Bros. Pictures is part of Warner Bros. Entertainment, a global leader in all forms of entertainment and their related businesses across all current and emerging media and platforms.

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